Nemao Secondary
Welcome to Nemao Secondary School!
My name is Matt Alloway, and I am very proud to join Nemao Secondary school as the principal for the 2023 - 2024 school year! As a school principal, I take the responsibility to facilitate, organize, and manage an educational environment that serves as an outstanding resource for our community. Many of my decisions and actions are made based on my professional educational experiences, and from twenty years of service to the Happy Tree Town School District, including serving as a teacher, Assistant Principal at the Primary School, Assistant Principal at Nemao Secondary School. Other decisions are made based on being a member of your community and also a parent of a high school child. The responsibilities of all of us here at Happy Tree Town is to make certain that your families have access to the best educational experience that reflects the values of Opportunity, Unity, and Excellence.
In service to our families, I encourage you to participate as members of our school community. I look forward to working with families through the Home and School Association, and through attendance and participation in school-based activities and presentations. Two-way communication is critical to our success in meeting your needs. I will continue to send weekly communication to all families, as well as presentations to the Home and School. On the other side of communication, please connect with our teachers, staff, and administrators to address any of your thoughts and ideas throughout the year.
Thank you for reading and learning more about our school and our programs. I look forward to a great year, filled with new learning, connections, friendships, and positive memories.
All the best,
Dr. Alloway